Community Partners
We are looking for partners who share our vision. Connect today.
We are grateful to have the financial and in-kind support of these foundations, healthcare providers, congregations, organizations, and businesses. With their commitment, our mission to provide healthcare for the uninsured has a greater impact! Read more on how to partner with us.
With over 79 committed local partners ready to serve alongside Samaritan Health Ministries.
SHM has an Electronic Referral System in place to provide quick navigation in order to connect patients to our community partner resources.
Join our Community Partners
We believe in the strength and value of partner collaboration with healthcare professionals, faith-leaders, donors, and community leaders who support our vision to provide whole-community solutions to our patients. Our community partners are committed to providing resources and tools that elevate patient quality of life beyond medical services. Through our unified commitment together, we strive to build resilient individuals and communities that thrive.
If you are interested in joining us as a partner, email us at info@theshm.org.